Upcoming Events
To see all events happening in our church (including rentals), click here
For more information about our scheduled events, see below.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Lenten Study
This year’s Lenten Study will be based on a new book called “Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith” by Alysia Smith. We will meet in the sanctuary from 1-2pm on Wednesdays, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5. Rev. Christina and Susan Allen are excited to share this study with you and explore the sacred connections that exist between music and spirituality. It is not required that you have a copy of the book, but if you would like to have one for your personal use during Lent, they are available through the United Church bookstore, in paperback or e-book form. Everyone welcome!

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Lenten Study
This year’s Lenten Study will be based on a new book called “Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith” by Alysia Smith. We will meet in the sanctuary from 1-2pm on Wednesdays, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5. Rev. Christina and Susan Allen are excited to share this study with you and explore the sacred connections that exist between music and spirituality. It is not required that you have a copy of the book, but if you would like to have one for your personal use during Lent, they are available through the United Church bookstore, in paperback or e-book form. Everyone welcome!
Ecumenical Lenten Worship
This worship will be a Taize style worship with chanting music, scripture prayer and silence.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Lenten Study
This year’s Lenten Study will be based on a new book called “Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith” by Alysia Smith. We will meet in the sanctuary from 1-2pm on Wednesdays, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5. Rev. Christina and Susan Allen are excited to share this study with you and explore the sacred connections that exist between music and spirituality. It is not required that you have a copy of the book, but if you would like to have one for your personal use during Lent, they are available through the United Church bookstore, in paperback or e-book form. Everyone welcome!

Cannelloni Dinner
Join us for a Cannelloni Dinner on Friday, April 4. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm and tickets are required in advance to ensure the correct amount of food is prepared. Contact Jan or Cheryl for tickets.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Lenten Study
This year’s Lenten Study will be based on a new book called “Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith” by Alysia Smith. We will meet in the sanctuary from 1-2pm on Wednesdays, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5. Rev. Christina and Susan Allen are excited to share this study with you and explore the sacred connections that exist between music and spirituality. It is not required that you have a copy of the book, but if you would like to have one for your personal use during Lent, they are available through the United Church bookstore, in paperback or e-book form. Everyone welcome!

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Lenten Study
This year’s Lenten Study will be based on a new book called “Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith” by Alysia Smith. We will meet in the sanctuary from 1-2pm on Wednesdays, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5. Rev. Christina and Susan Allen are excited to share this study with you and explore the sacred connections that exist between music and spirituality. It is not required that you have a copy of the book, but if you would like to have one for your personal use during Lent, they are available through the United Church bookstore, in paperback or e-book form. Everyone welcome!

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Trivia Night
Join us for Trivia Night! There will be prizes to be won and refreshments available to purchase. Come as a team or on your own and you’ll be matched up into a larger team.
To register yourself or your team, please contact the church office at 519-472-6071. Admission is $10.00 per person, payable at time of registration (pay by credit/debit, e-transfer).

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Lenten Study
This year’s Lenten Study will be based on a new book called “Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith” by Alysia Smith. We will meet in the sanctuary from 1-2pm on Wednesdays, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5. Rev. Christina and Susan Allen are excited to share this study with you and explore the sacred connections that exist between music and spirituality. It is not required that you have a copy of the book, but if you would like to have one for your personal use during Lent, they are available through the United Church bookstore, in paperback or e-book form. Everyone welcome!

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Lenten Study
This year’s Lenten Study will be based on a new book called “Something Sacred: Reflections on Music and Faith” by Alysia Smith. We will meet in the sanctuary from 1-2pm on Wednesdays, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5. Rev. Christina and Susan Allen are excited to share this study with you and explore the sacred connections that exist between music and spirituality. It is not required that you have a copy of the book, but if you would like to have one for your personal use during Lent, they are available through the United Church bookstore, in paperback or e-book form. Everyone welcome!

Pancake Supper
The 70th London Rovers, Venturers, Scouts, Cubs, and Beavers will be putting on their annual pancake dinner on Tuesday, March 4 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm at Riverside.
Bake Sale
Save the date! The Sunday's Cool class, in support of the fundraising committee, will be holding a bake sale on Sunday, March 2. Please bring some spare change to purchase a treat to eat with your coffee that day. There may also be packages of baked goods that you can purchase to take home with you. If any young-at-heart members of the congregation would like to contribute some baking for us to sell, please let Carol know, by email, at carol@riverside.on.ca

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Annual General Meeting
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.
Community Kitchen
Join us for our February Community Kitchen. Contact Carol at carol@riverside.on.ca to register!

Games Night
The WiTH Team invites you to a Speed Games, Meet & Greet evening here at Riverside on Friday, February 21 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. This is for all ages. Please sign up for planning purposes.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Congregational Breakfast
You are invited to our Congregational Breakfast on Sunday, February 9 at 10:30am. A free will offering is appreciated.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.
Community Kitchen
Our next community kitchen is happening on Saturday, January 25 at 9:30am. We will be making breakfast foods (including the scones that were planned for December) that can be frozen for quick grab-and-go breakfasts. Please email Carol at carol@riverside.on.ca to confirm your spot!

World Religion Day
Riverside United is invited to attend London's World Religion Day event for 2025. For anyone that may not be familiar with WRD, it is held on the 3rd Sunday of January annually, and was first inspired by the Baháʼí community in 1950, but has become a worldwide event since its inception. The purpose of World Religion Day is to highlight the ideas that the spiritual principles underlying the world's religions are harmonious, and that religions play a significant role in unifying humanity.
In that vein, WRD’s theme this year is Unity, and we will be focused on growing to understand the spiritual beliefs and practices that support unity and harmony in the world.
The event will be held on Sunday, January 19, and this year, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will be hosting the event at 1139 Riverside Drive, London. We will meet at 2:00pm in the chapel, where each faith group attending will be offered 4-5 minutes to either share scripture, words, prayer or music related to our topic. Following that large group meeting, which we hope will last approximately one hour, we will move into the cultural hall behind the chapel, where each faith group may share more about their origins, teachings or perspectives related to our topic, and beyond. We will have tables available for each group in attendance, and we invite you to share pamphlets, information or other traditions, etc, that will help others get to know you better.
Thanks to everyone that is interested in attending. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Taking Down the Christmas Decorations
On Saturday, January 11 at 10:00am, we will be taking down the Christmas decorations in the Narthex and Sanctuary. Come join us for the fun, coffee and snacks.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Christmas Eve Service
On Christmas Eve. December 24, we will have one service at 8:00pm and it will be titled Mary – Woman of Promise. We will have many lay leaders speaking during this service as well as our traditional Communion and Candlelight Carols and Bells.

Sunday Worship Service
We worship at 9:30am each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, and juice are served prior to, and following the service.

Finding Hope at Christmas
On December 19 at 2:00pm, we offer a service for those experience loss, or for whom Christmas is a difficult time. Refreshments will be served after the service.

London Piano Christmas Concert
On Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00pm, join Sydney in a musical journey through the best of Christmas and holiday carols! Featuring both traditional and contemporary songs, utilizing arrangements in a variety of genres - you'll be sure to soak up the holiday spirit.
There will be a sing along, door prizes, cookies, and hot chocolate! Admission is by donation, and proceeds will be split to support Sydney's work and the ministries of Riverside United.

“Sing the Glory” Christmas Cantata
Our Cantata singers continue to be hard at work after service each Sunday, preparing for our Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 8 at 9:30am.

Elvis Gospel Memories and Other Great Hits
"Elvis Gospel Memories and Other Great Hits" stars international award-winning entertainer, Roy LeBlanc: two-time champion and long-time host of the Collingwood Elvis Festival; first Canadian to be named “World’s Finest Elvis” at the Elvis Extravaganza in Las Vegas, Nevada; star of the touring sell-out hit musical production, "Blue Suede Shoes" for six consecutive years; and co-star of the North American and Australian touring production, "Sun Records All-Stars."
In support of Riverside United Church and in honour of Christmas, Roy LeBlanc brings his hit-filled show, "Elvis Gospel Memories and Other Great Hits" to the church for a matinee performance on DECEMBER 7 at 2:00pm. Performing the inspiring and reverent gospel songs of Elvis Presley among other popular and Christmas hits, and backed by The Royal Tribute Band, this is a fundraising concert you won’t want to miss!
Doors at 1pm; All ages welcome; Fully accessible venue

Listening Circle
This Listening Circle will be held in the Friendship Room. Christina is wanting to hear your questions or concerns in regards to our exploring this new shared ministry that has been announced. Please take a few minutes and please sign up for a spot in one of the above listening circles. The Listening Circles this time is open to having 12 people in each session.
We will be having the sign-up sheets available after service but you can also call the church office and Jan will be happy to sign you up. We will need your phone number and email address so that we can remind you about your session.

Listening Circle
This Listening Circle will be held in the Friendship Room. Christina is wanting to hear your questions or concerns in regards to our exploring this new shared ministry that has been announced. Please take a few minutes and please sign up for a spot in one of the above listening circles. The Listening Circles this time is open to having 12 people in each session.
We will be having the sign-up sheets available after service but you can also call the church office and Jan will be happy to sign you up. We will need your phone number and email address so that we can remind you about your session.